Sunday, July 31, 2011

News Letter!

People think it's gold at the end of a rainbow!

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Our Church is on it's way!

These last few weeks have been incredible! Things are moving much faster than we expected, which is a great thing. We had our first open night on the 18th of July in Flannery's Bar and we got many people involved and interested in what God is and will be doing here in Limerick.

I sent out several hundred surveys to people who don’t go to church and got their feedback on their reasons for not going, from those results, on the 25th of this month, we started a series called “Mythbusters” – dealing with all the misconceptions people have about God, Christ and the Church.

Our first meeting was on the topic of “Isn’t the Bible a Myth?” We had a great turn out for the night and we had an hour long chat about the Bible and how it can be trusted; we had several of the people ask Marie and I for Bibles.

What was more amazing is, our meeting was from 8pm to 9pm – we ended up leaving at 12:30am, people were just soaking up the topic which brought us to several other things, for fours and a half hours we got to share and talk with people – that’s church!

What are the next steps for Elevate?

Right now we are meeting with literally dozens of people who don’t go to church and talking with them about what a “church” is and what it means to follow Christ. People here are hurting and are very cautious of anything to do with “God” because of the past hurts from “Church”.

Our aim is to take it slow and just offer people a chance to “come and see.”  We’re not asking anything from them or any commitments, just to come and see. Our prayer is that they will encounter Jesus Christ and make the decision to live their live for him.

We would love to be at a place soon where we will need to rent somewhere because our numbers will grow and peoples' lives will be changed. By this time next year we hope to have full weekly services with a church that is impacting this City for Jesus Christ.
Prayer for this coming week.

People who have been coming are really asking questions about Christ; even more, they are questioning their own doubts and realizing that maybe there is a God. Pray for these people, if you email me I’ll send you their names so you can pray for them by name.

Pray that the people who asked us for Bibles will read them and God will pierce their heart and they will come to know Him, pray that they will understand what they are reading and that Satan won’t deceive them.

Pray God will give Marie and I the words when we speak to people, that there will be such power in them that people will know it’s not of us but God and they can’t ignore it.

Pray that there won't be any blocks in our way as we set up the coming series and that we will be dealing with and answering questions that people are asking.

Pray that our "stuff" arrives from the US soon. We shipped most of the contents of our house along with Bibles and ministry equipment, pray it get's here soon so we can start distributing the Bibles.

Pray that financial support we need starts coming in.  The exchange rate here is damaging the speed at which we can do things and we are in need of financial support for the cost of living here. It really is the most expensive place to live in Europe and the fourth most expensive place to live in the world (international price comparison survey). If you have the ability to support us, once off, or monthly – just click the link here  and you can donate online or mail it to us.
Personal Notes

Tara and I have been enjoying all the farm animals that live around our house. She is so funny when she see an animal for the first time, she acts like her mind is just blow away and says “what’s that?”

Continue to pray for me, for energy and wisdom and to meet the right people to get the mission done that God has us here to do. Pray for both Marie and I, that we stay strong and that we grow together as a family.

Marie and Tara have been having a ball, going for walks and Marie showing Tara all the exciting things in the countryside. Tara had her first encounter with rain, and decided she didn't like it so much! And Marie is starting to get to know some women with kids who live down the street.  

We really miss you all and do hope that you will come and visit us. As much as we love it here we really do wish you could be here with us.

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