Monday, July 16, 2012

Hello from Ireland

It has been a while since our last update! Things have been very busy here, what with getting ready for our upcoming church launch and having many visiters.

The summer has well and truly arrived in Ireland, or so I'm told. This week has been solid wind and rain, but I see the sun peeking out from behind the dark clouds, so I have some hopes for the weekend. Justin and Laura Gearing, friends from Arizona and coworkers from CCV have finally arrivied to begin work with us in Limerick.  Justin and Laura bring so much to our efforts here, from experience in media and missions, to passionate hearts for impacting the world for Christ. They will be staying with us until they find a home of their own, and we are looking forward to some great times together.
This last year of research and preparation has been vital to our understanding the hearts, minds, needs, doubts, questions, and hopes of the people of Limerick. We know we've learned a lot, and many of our ideas and plans have changed in response to what we have learned. The Monday night meetings have been put on hold during the summer, but Dermot continues to meet one on one with people who are hurting, seeking, and excited to get involved.
We are planning on starting a "prelaunch" service in September - a monthly "practice" session that will allow us to solidify all the logistics, details, and people who we will need when we launch the weekly services in January. It's hard to believe that this time is already here, and we need a lot of prayer to make this succesful. The foundation is crucial. We are currently looking for the best location to rent for the prelaunch services. Dermot's time and attention will be mainly focused on creating a "launch team" - the people who will form the core of our new church. He asks for prayer for himself as a leader and for God to speak to the people involved so that they become a solid team, as Paul wrote, "... then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose." (Phillipians 2:2)
As for our family, we have already had an eventful summer. As well as having several visitors, Marie's parents came out to stay with us for the month of June. Tara loved having her grandparents around. Marie is getting closer and closer to her due date of September 8, and with the nursery complete, the clothes bought, and the toys cleaned and tucked away, we're more than ready to meet the newest addition to our family.
We really want to thank you for keeping our family in your prayers. We know that we are going against a powerful force that has blanketed Limerick in complacency, skepticism, consumerism, and despair. It is easy to fall into habits and routines, and it is hard to press on toward the goals that we know God has set before us. What we are doing has not been done here before, and as much as we are trying to learn from successful churches and leaders across the globe, we still have to figure out what everything means for us, and for Limerick. Please pray that our family remains strong and that God continues to give Dermot clear insight and direction.
We thank you again for all your support;
Dermot, Marie, Tara and baby number 2!

Check out our church website and go to our Facebook page and like it, spread the word that a new church is starting in Limerick so people can start praying about it. Just click on the logo above.

Prayer Points

We are now looking for and meeting with people around the city to look for a place where we can meet for our church services in a more permanent location, pray God will put us in the right location were we can have maximum impact.

Pray for us as a team, that we will be united and that we set a solid foundation of unity for the church.

Pray for the people we are meeting with, that God will soften their hearts and help them see Christ.

Pray for our marriages, that we will be the example of what God intends.

Pray for our practical needs, that God will provide all the financial and the resources we need to be here and start the Church. 

Pray as we set up the board for our church, and pray for wise and Godly men.

We know times are hard, we also know people's resources are limited.

Because of people's sacrificial giving, we have been able to make progress and hold events.

We really can't thank you all for your prayers and support.

If you are not already supporting us financially, please take the time to pray about a one time gift or monthly support.

Keep up with our progress on Facebook, you'll find our photos and quick updates there. Please spread the word and tell people about us on your Facebook page.

So click here or on the above link and spread the word!

We would love to get to 1000 followers by the end of the month.

Charles S. Lauer: “Leaders don't force people to follow -- they invite them on a journey.”

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